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A member registered Dec 22, 2019

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possibly related to gravity, possibly a different bug entirely, I have had several times where the man falling out of the helicopter does not fall, he just hovers in place, or even flies upwards slowly, never to come down. This usually happens after I've finished the first level or two of difficulty.

Love the idea behind this! The throttle is very clever. Enjoyed the way 'looking' works, and use of the shadow. For me, the speed/gravity/wind/friction balance seemed just a little too sluggish overall. I like that it's not too arcady--it's a hotair baloon, not a lunar lander--but making a second attempt at spot-landing on any one particular spot felt like it took ages to 'reset' via going high enough for the west-moving wind to push you back far enough. Basically, I found the premise very compelling, and played it a lot longer than I expected, but felt like a lot of the experience was waiting. Does that make sense? I like the delay between throttle and movement from the ground, due to the baloon inflating first.

I got the magnet, but never managed to do anything with it (other than generate a hum). Droppable sandbags for a sudden course-correction/acceleration boost could be interesting (especially if dropping them on things had consequences).

Hope you keep at it, the premise feels fresh and I think there's loads of potential here!

I guess I hadn't gotten far enough yet to even know there was a map! (or that it would save between play sessions). Just got my play date recently and haven't had a chance to play for a decent amount of time yet (plus I'm not very good at the game yet haha). Keep up the good work, and consider me a fan!

Is there any way to skip the opening story/pages of text? Great the first time, but after that it feels excruciating to have to wait 1min 45 seconds before being able to actually play. A long-press button to skip would be great, cranking to fast foward would also be entertaining. Loving the game otherwise!